We lived together - first in Arlington, VA on South 7th Street and later with our close friend and third Charlie's Angel, Dave Summers on Holmead Place, NW in DC in the early 90s. We bonded over musically tastes (Cocteau Twins, 808 State, My Bloody Valentine), horrid drinking binge histories, and a love of peroxide.

We had been back in touch over the last few years since our mutual friend Dave died of HIV complications in December of 2005. I last saw Joe I think in April before he left the DC area to move to Portland. He looked good again and sounded upbeat but I had been worried about him and his health both mental and physical for a while.
Joe and I started working on music together in 1990. We called ourselves (after about 1000 band name sessions) Shivering Blondes and we went on to write hundreds of songs. Some of them were tragically bad, but a lot are quite good. I was primarily a lyricist and Joe wrote the music at first. Watching and working with him taught me a lot about inspiration and just showing up for creative work, and doing it until something good arrived. With Joe it never took long. He was so talented an artist that music, photos, graphics all practically poured out of his body.
We used to drive Dave crazy with guitar riffs and drum loops that played over and over deep into the morning while we drank pots of Folgers oh so tasty coffee. My new CD features one of our oldest songs called "Bring Down the Lights." I actually used a midi performance he did live in 1991 or so for one of the synth string parts. I shared it and a couple of other tracks with him when I saw him last and he emailed this to me:
"Bring Down the Lights: unbelieveable - I almost cried. It's so good. I'm both jealous and elated for you. Anything I can do to promote your new CD, let me know.
BTW: How the hell did you get Kate Bush to do back-up on track 2?
Kate Bush is no-where to be heard my my new CD (don't I wish!). He was referring to Amikaeyla's whispered spell incantations on "Come Away". He was so quick and smart and pop culture savvy. Sort of Kathy Griffin meets Waylon Flowers via Sandra Bernhard. To give you a taste of Joe's humor, I sent him a note after a coffee we had in February of this year when he seemed so out of it I was quite upset. He replied with this opener:
"Uh oh......Dementia. When you said it was great to see me it took me quite awhile to remember when we had met. Then, 'whew', I remembered. It was in LA was at the premiere of Rocky XXVVII, right? You wore that great backless, satin, lavender Prada gown with the pink boa and I decided to go with the Versace empire dress. I'm still laughing about the fact the Kate Hudson was fuming that you were wearing the same thing! LOL!"
Even with his faculties at half mast he still managed to make me laugh. I am trying my best to hold on to all the good times and be grateful for what he brought to my life. I wouldn't be a songwriter really if I had not met Joe. Here's hoping he is zooming through the Milky Way feeling no pain and free at last. Love you always Joe.