Friday, June 19, 2009

Question thinking

I have been reading a good cognitive behavioral therapy book called Change Your Questions Change Your Life. I must say the premise is so simple and I find it has helped me identify how I am always asking myself questions and I am just unaware that I make my choices in life based on those questions. I think the real gift is being able to revise your thinking from what the author calls judger thinking to learner thinking. Although the author Marilee Adams doesn't say anything about it the content reminds me of the basic principals in A Course in Miracles only better related to daily life. I loved ACIM but sometimes it feels so out there you need someone to bring it down to earth. That's why I used to love Marianne Williamson. I always thought she just got it and kept it by teaching others. I heard her in la when I was a 20ish kid at an aids support group with a friend. I know she has a church somewhere in the midwest now. Enough random stuff for now.

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